Indian cricketer, S. Sreesanth, was recently presented with a beautiful laced handkerchief by actress Preity Zinta. Apparently Sreesanth had gone to a movie launch function in Kerala which was attended by Preity as well. Preity, who had not been following cricketing news since her team lost in the IPL, was shocked to see Sreesanth at the movie function instead of playing with the Indian team in Karachi for the Asia Cup.
Sources said that when she asked Sreesanth why he was not playing in the Asia Cup, he had immediately broken down crying stating "They left me here... I wanted to go so badly.... but they took that Goni instead.... I feel as if this were a slap on my face..... mummy.." This had made Preity to immediately reach into her handbag and retrieve a lovely little hanky that she gifted to Sreesanth.
Sreesanth was earlier in the news for sobbing his heart out when he saw Priety hugging Brett Lee and Yuvraj but totally ignoring his pleas for a hug. This had prompted Ness Wadia to remark "Priety doesn't hug me much either these days... she's too busy hugging everyone else.... if I were to cry each time I saw her hug Brett or Yuvraj, I'd be swimming in my pool of tears now".
When Priety was contacted on the hanky gift to Sreesanth, she remarked "Yes, its true. I did give Sree a hanky. Its a nice pretty dainty little one with embroidered laces. Very cute. Am sure Sree will like it."
Sreesanth and the BCCI chairman were unavailable for comment.
Mona Lisa's smile interpreted
15 years ago
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