Mohan, the leading Tamil/Kannada/Telugu movie actor of the 80s, will soon return to the silver screen after a long hiatus, but this time with a drastic change! Mohan, who is well known for his musical hits like Idhaya Kovil, Udaya Geetham, Kilinjalgal, Kunguma Chimizh, etc., will now star in a movie without a mike! The movie is to be called "Kannukku mai azhagu, Mohanukku mike azhagu" and is to be directed by Goutham Menon.
"This movie will be a career-defining one for me", says Mike(less) Mohan. He remarked "It will be the first time that I will appear on screen entirely without a microphone in sight! My only concern is if my loyal fans will recognize me without the mike".
Mike Mohan shot into fame after appearing in the 1980 movie Nenjathai Killadhey, the highlight of the movie being the slowest ever jogging scene to be depicted on screen in Indian movie history. The song 'Paruvammae, puthiya paadal paadu' had Mohan and Suhasini jogging in the early morning fog for a distance of 100 meters in about 6 minutes. At that time, sprinter Ben Johnson is said to have been floored seeing the pace at which the duo hit the track.
His movie 'Kilinjalgal' created a record of all sorts, after he fell in love with the heroine of the movie in a slowly moving goods train. Recently, on watching the song 'Goodsu vandiyilae oru kaadhal vandhirichu', Railway Minister Shree Lallu Prasad Yadav is said to have remarked "Yeh bahut bahut accha gaana hain. Ab se, sab goods gaadiyon mein college students ko duet gaane key liye muft me ticket milega".
Mohan is said to overjoyed in his new role without his trademark mike. When asked of his dream project, he says "I want to do a movie like Dasavatharam where I get to play 10 roles. Each role will be unique - one with a mike, one without a mike, one with a mike that's suspended from the ceiling, one with a earpiece and attached mike, one without a mike, one with two mikes, one with a mike that someone else holds for me, one with a mike that does not work, and so on. I've asked director K.S. Ravikumar to let me know when he plans to make such a movie".
Shooting for "Kannukku mai azhagu, Mohanukku mike azhagu" is expected to commence in August 08.
Mona Lisa's smile interpreted
15 years ago
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